Equine vaccine season is here!

There are many vaccines available for your horse. Which vaccine program best suits your horse depends on disease exposure risk. Some diseases we vaccinate against are a risk for all horses, such has tetanus and mosquito borne illnesses. Other diseases hold higher risk if you or your horse are in contact with horses from other stables or if you travel, such as contagious respiratory illnesses. Depending on the vaccines, they are available in combinations or induvial vaccines. Here is an outline of vaccines commonly used in our region!


As of March 19, 2020, the Montague and Souris veterinary clinics remain open, however, we are operating in a limited capacity with reduced staff. For the time being, we will be seeing only urgent/emergency appointments, as well as postponing elective surgeries. Should you have an appointment booked and have not yet received a call to reschedule, you will be hearing from us shortly. 


Sterilizing your pet prevents a host of health problems, including complicated pregnancies, and reduces the number of homeless animals.

Veterinarian Visits

Responsible pet ownership starts with regular visits to the veterinarian. Given their shorter-than-human lifespan, your dog or cat should be getting a checkup at least once or twice a year.

Travelling With Animals

All animals, including cats, dogs, exotic pets and reptiles, must be kept safe from harm and injury when they are travelling by land, air or sea.